Today is Ava's 6th birthday!
Yesterday we celebrated with a rainbow coloured party with some of Ava's good friends.
Hello! It's my birthday party! |
Ava had a fantastic time with her friends. They made sparkly, feathery crowns and beaded necklaces. They decorated Ava's cake with edible markers. They posed for funny photos in front of a colourful, spotty photo booth backdrop. They sang happy birthday. They ate yummy food. They had fun, fun, fun!
Here's a little look at Ava's birthday party...
First up Ava and her friends decorated shiny gold crowns with jewels, feathers and washi tape. You can find a template for the crowns
here at Designlovefest. They also made beaded necklaces to wear.
Ava and her friends decorate their crowns |
Ava and her friends decorate their crowns |
Lola in her beautiful crown |
Ava and Bouncy in their crowns |
A crown and necklaces for Bouncy too! |
Then they moved on to decorating Ava's birthday cake which I had covered with plain white fondant. Ava had decorated the top of the cake prior to the party and left the sides blank for her friends. I gave the kids a pack of food decorating markers to draw and write on the cake. The markers work really well on fondant and the colours are nice and vibrant. You can buy them at cake decorating stores or on
Amazon. The kids all enjoyed decorating the cake and it was quite the novelty using markers on it.
Thanks to my friend
Nina for the fantastic idea :)
Ava decorates the top of her cake before the party |
Ava's cake before her friends decorated the sides |
Decorating Ava's cake |
Decorating Ava's cake |
Lola decorates the cake too |
Lots of messages of love on the sides of Ava's cake |
All decorated |
With the cake decorated and the glue on the crowns dry it was time to sing Happy Birthday.
Ready to sing |
Ava blows out her candles |
Ava cuts her cake and makes a wish |
Cut, cut, cut... |
When Ava cut the cake open there was another surprise... Not only was the cake colourful on the outside, it was colourful on the inside too!
Rainbow layers |
I'll take that huge piece of cake please! |
Ava cut herself a HUGE piece! I'm glad to say that she didn't eat it all! |
Lola was pretty impressed with the colourful cake |
After they'd had their fill of colourful birthday cake the kids moved onto the photo booth and posed for funny photos. You can find a DIY for the photo booth backdrop
here at Poppytalk. I made the backdrop on a piece of cardboard which was then stuck up on the wall with removable mounting strips. I also made up chalk board speech bubbles which the kids held up in some of their photos. I'll have a DIY for the speech bubbles coming soon if you're interested in making your own.
Hello! |
There was lots of poking out tongues once the camera came out... |
...and some nice hugs too :) |
Some where a little camera shy... |
...but Ava certainly wasn't! |
Say cheese... |
Before we knew it the time had flown by and the party was almost at its end. Ava opened her presents from her friends and she gave them all a little present of their own to say thank you for celebrating with her.
Thank You! Party bags ready to hand out |
We had a lovely day and Ava had so much fun with her friends. Right now she's fast asleep but I'm sure she's dreaming about all the fun she had at her party and how much fun she'll have today for her actual birthday. We just might be going somewhere special to celebrate. Watch this space!
This party is tooo cute! My son was born 2/2/07.
ReplyDeleteKeegan says happy birthday to Ava!
Thanks! Happy birthday to Keegan too :)