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Saturday, 11 July 2015

Fourth of July in Australia

This year we celebrated Fourth of July with a big party at my parents' house in Adelaide, South Australia. Even though we were out of the country we still wanted to celebrate America's birthday with our little American girl. Plus it seemed like a great excuse to throw a big party with friends and family!

Despite the fact that it's Winter here in Australia, we were lucky to have a great day weather wise. Not quite the Summery weather we're used to for Fourth of July, but the sun was shining and the rain stayed away. Perfect for a back yard party.  

We decked ourselves out in red, white and blue. The girls wore their matching American Apparel dresses (or romper in Mathilde's case) but they didn't stay still long enough for me to get a photo of them together. Mathilde added to the theme with her Snoopy tights and Born in the USA moccasins from Freshly Picked - seriously the cutest shoes ever!

I made lots of American food for our guests (three bean chili, Rice Krispy treats, red velvet cupcakes, s'mores, hot dogs...), while my Mum provided a tonne of Australian food (lamingtons, party pies, sausage rolls...). Just like at every other family get together, one of my aunties made cream horns. My favourite - I ate so many! It's not an O'Hara family get together without cream horns!

The s'mores were a huge hit with the kids. They had so much fun toasting their marshmallows. Ava and Lola were happy to teach all of the kids how to turn their ooey, gooey (and sometimes burnt!) marshmallows into s'mores. I brought a packet of graham crackers over from America but I couldn't bring myself to make anyone eat Hershey's so we used Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate. Oh, and Pascall marshmallows - so much better than the too squishy marshmallows in America.

We had such a great time catching up with everyone. The girls were excited to play with friends they hadn't seen in years as well as some new little friends who were born after our move. They also got to spend lots of time with their grandparents, cousins, aunties and uncles, and extended family.

No fireworks for us for Fourth of July this year. There were lots of silly faces though, so let's end with those instead!

Big thanks to my parents for hosting our party - and for cleaning up afterwards!

Happy belated Fourth of July to all my friends in America. We'll be back there tomorrow after a long, long flight!

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