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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Birthday Thank You

You may remember that Ava celebrated her 6th birthday last weekend.

To thank all of her friends for coming along to her party and giving her such lovely presents Ava wrote out thank you notes today. We also included a photo from the party of Ava with each of her friends. The photo booth backdrop that we set up for the party was perfect for this. Fun photos with a bright colourful background.

Thank you notes ready to go. Never mind the spelling mistake ;)

In keeping with the colourful theme of her birthday party Ava wrote out her thank you notes on the Pantone Stationery Set from Chronicle Books. You can find it here. I love this stationery set. One side of the paper features Pantone colour chips from a colour family: blue, green, red/purple or yellow/orange. The other side is blank with a cheery "hello" in the top left corner. Just how you wanted to start your letter! The set includes simple grey envelopes which can be sealed with the enclosed Pantone colour chip stickers. I was excited that Ava loved the set as much as I did. Good design sense at a young age!

Thank you for coming to my party

Speaking of good design, I must say that I'm quite impressed with Ava's creative lettering. Now, admittedly it started out as a correction for a spelling mistake but she continued with it for key words throughout some of the thank you notes and I think it looks quite effective. A young graphic designer in the making, maybe?

I love Ava's lettering!

Writing out thank you notes

 With all the letters written out, the photos printed and the envelopes sealed they're ready for Ava to hand out at school tomorrow.

Letters, photos and envelopes ready to put together

 And here's a look at a few of the photo booth shots that we printed for her friends.

Birthday photo booth

Birthday photo booth
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