Happy April Fool's Day!
We've had a gloomy, rainy day here today but we brightened it up with lots of fun little pranks against each other. Even Lola got in on the prank action!
The day started off with a prank against Kim. Overnight I switched the background on his phone to a picture of Sam, three time champ in the World's Ugliest Dog competition. I think he'd definitely still hold the title if he hadn't died back in 2005. Back when Sam was the champ this particularly horrible picture of him would randomly appear as the background on either mine or Kim's phone or computer. He hadn't made an appearance for a while so it was time to bring him back! Kim didn't notice the new background on his phone until he was on Bart heading to work.
World Champion Ugly Dog! |
Kim's new phone background! |
In the meantime Ava was up ready for breakfast. Last night I had prepared a bowl of Coco Crispies and milk for her and put it in the freezer. This morning she could not work out why her spoon just wouldn't dig into the cereal. Eventually she worked out that she'd been pranked and she thought it was pretty hilarious.
Why won't my spoon go any further? |
Lola had to check out what all of Ava's fussing was about |
Ava decided to get me back with her own little prank which worked thanks to my habit of buying the girls matching outfits. I had laid their clothes out for the day last night and after Ava got dressed this morning she decided to switch Lola's outfit for a matching one of her own - 4 sizes bigger! Good job Ava, you definitely fooled me for a moment there!
Overnight I also got to work with a pack of googly eyes and some glue. I gave eyes to various items in the bathroom including the toilet, the faucet, the hand wash, the girls' toothpaste and mouthwash... The girls were both pretty excited when they discovered the little eyes on everything, especially the toilet which they decided could talk if they opened and closed the lid!
Googly eyes everywhere |
Ava was pretty impressed |
"Hello, I'm a talking toilet" |
Lola thought the eyes were hilarious |
Lola especially liked the eyes on the faucet |
Googly eyes make hand washing more fun |
Sticking with the googly eye theme, guess what I covered everything in Lola's lunchbox with? That's right - googly eyes! Although it's Spring Break here for Ava, Lola still has preschool so I thought I'd pack her a little surprise. I wish I'd been there to see her face when she opened up her lunchbox. It obviously left an impression on her as it was the first thing she mentioned when Ava and I picked her up this afternoon. She still had a few items left in her lunchbox and she was pretty excited to show them to me.
Googly eye lunch |
.JPG) |
Lola's banana friend |
While Ava and I were out and about today she was constantly coming up with new ways to trick Lola and Kim. Lola is obsessed with collecting coins that she finds on the ground so Ava thought it would be funny to glue some pennies on the floor that Lola would not be able to remove. Sure enough, as soon as Lola walked into the kitchen after preschool she excitedly shouted "Pennies!" and dived to the ground to pick them up. When she couldn't move the first coin she quickly moved onto the next one. When that one wouldn't move either she realised that she'd been tricked, crossed her arms and shouted "Grrrrr... Ava!". She pretty quickly saw the funny side of it though and agreed to leave the coins in place to try and trick Kim when he got home. Of course, Kim wasn't fooled by the pennies scattered on the kitchen floor and guessed straight away that they were glued down.
Hmm... this penny won't move |
Why can't I move the pennies? |
"Aaarrgghh!" |
After the penny prank Lola decided that she'd play her own prank on me. We were heading back out again for our second doctor's appointment of the day so Lola decided to hide a few little things to take with us. When we arrived at the bus stop I noticed something poking out of Lola's rain boots. She'd shoved two wooden pieces from a game into her boots to trick me. As soon as I spotted them she yelled "April Fool's Day trick!" and giggled non-stop for quite some time. Not really sure how this one fooled me as they weren't shoved inside my boots but Lola seemed to think it was a good one!
Lola's trick |
Speaking of doctors, my first appointment for the day was my twice weekly monitoring at the hospital. This is something they do here for "geriatric" pregnant women, women with gestational diabetes and women who've previously had problems during a pregnancy - I've got the whole trifecta. As I arrived at the hospital for my appointment I "checked in" on Facebook. Being only four weeks away from my due date I figured this might fool a lot of people that I was actually there to deliver the baby. It seemed to work. In hindsight it may not have been the best prank - what if I'd actually gone into labour later in the day and no one believed me!
My favourite prank of the day was one that we played on Kim. I came across a tutorial on Pinterest for making a fake milk spill out of glue (PVA/Elmer's Glue). The image I found showed the fake spill across a laptop which I thought would be the perfect prank for Kim. You can find the tutorial
here. I added a cup and straw to the spill then had Ava leave a drawing and some crayons next to it to make it look as though she'd been working at Kim's desk and accidentally knocked over her drink. The "spill" didn't turn out quite as realistic looking as the one in the tutorial but it was still effective and fooled Kim for a moment - until he touched it to see what it was and discovered that it was solid.
Oops! |
After dinner tonight Ava was keen to continue with the pranks. Both girls like to have a piece of Halloween candy for dessert each night (yes we still have loads of Halloween candy left!) and we keep this candy in two pumpkin buckets on top of the fridge. Ava had Kim empty all of the candy out before suggesting to Lola that they both grab a piece to eat. For a second or two Lola looked like she was about to burst into tears when she discovered that the buckets were empty but she pretty quickly realised that it was yet another prank. Finding all of the candy on Mummy & Daddy's bed definitely made everything better!
So that was our April Fool's Day for this year. The girls and I had a lot of fun coming up with little pranks and they're both already coming up with more for next year. Let's just hope they keep the pranking to April Fool's Day only and no other days!
I hope you all had just as much fun as we did.
Oh, how much fun! I was laughing out loud reading about all of your pranks. You have inspired me to take action for next year:D
We had so much fun with all of our pranks this year! It's going to be hard work coming up with all new ones for next year though :)