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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

52 Weeks: Week 10

Week 10: At the Salon

This week Ava and Lola went to the hairdresser for a trim. Little Miss Mathilde doesn't have quite enough hair to warrant a hair cut yet (although her fringe does get in her eyes) so she just watched - and pretended to get a haircut from Ava!

Ava and Lola both really enjoy going the hairdresser. I take them to my hairdresser rather than a kid's salon and they love pretending to be grown ups. I guess they feel like they're being pampered too. They always sit so still and never complain about the water splashing while their hair is being washed or the brush hurting when it snags on a knot. I wish they could be like that at home! Maybe I brush too hard and splash too much water on their faces!

Here's a look at our visit to the salon...

I love how shiny and smooth the girls' hair is after a trip to the hairdresser. Of course, Ava's was back to it's usual, messy self the following morning! 

I'm sure that Mathilde will be joining her big sisters for real haircuts before we know it.

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