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Wednesday 18 March 2015

52 Weeks: Week 11

Week 11: Our new walker

This week saw a huge milestone for our family. Our little Mathilde is now walking!

Last Thursday, at ten months and sixteen days old, Mathilde decided she was ready to set off on her own and she has been walking ever since. Crawling is still her chosen mode of movement much of the time as it's faster, but every day she walks a little more, and crawls a little less. Oh, she looks so proud of herself as she toddles along. It's the most adorable thing! Just look how happy she is below. So happy, that little tongue can't stay in her mouth!

Both Ava and Lola started walking properly just after their first birthdays so it feels a little weird seeing Mathilde toddle around while she's still so small. Plus, didn't I just give birth to her yesterday?! I swear I did. She is certainly growing up way too fast.

Ava and Lola have been very excited about Mathilde's new and improved mobility. They call to her and encourage her to walk to them, kind of in the same way that you'd call to a dog! "Here Mathilde". "Come on girl". "Come to Ava/Lola". So far they've stopped short of whistling to her, but probably only because neither of them knows how to whistle!  

I love seeing my three little girls standing and walking together. I can't believe we've reached this stage so soon. It does really go buy so much faster the more kids you have.

 Look at those chubby little legs! I just want to eat them up!

If you would like to see Mathilde in action you can see video of her walking at the St Patrick's Day Parade in my last post here (or just click on "Older Post" below). I have also shared clips of her walking on my Instagram account which you can find here. Make sure to follow Little Hiccups on Instagram for lots of behind the scenes pics that don't make it onto the blog.

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