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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Elf on the Shelf 2015: Week 2

Another week with Elfie Pokie Nokie, our Elf on the Shelf, has gone by.

Here's a look at what he has been up to...

Day 8
Uh oh! It looks like Elfie got into the Halloween candy... again! He does this at some point every year and for some reason it's always Lola's Halloween bucket that he chooses. Lola was not impressed. Mathilde, however, thought it was pretty funny. She has a pointy red Hanna Andersson hat that we refer to as her "naughty hat" as she seems to do extra cheeky things when she wears it. When she saw the mess that Elfie Pokie Nokie had made with the candy she sat next to him, pointed at his head and said "hat" while nodding knowingly. It wasn't Elfie's fault, it was the "naughty hat"! On a side note, I didn't notice until after I'd cleaned up Elfie's mess that there was a smear across my camera lens - hence the bad photos.

Day 9
All those late nights spent flying between our home and the North Pole to report to Santa must get pretty tiring. Sometimes an elf needs a little extra caffeine pick me up to help get him through the day of keeping an eye on the kids. Seriously, when does that guy sleep? I'm amazed we don't find him making coffee more often!

Day 10
What's that? A bunny with elf legs? No, it's just Elfie Pokie Nokie sitting above Mathilde's change table with her bunny mobile floating in front of him. From his position up high on the wall Elfie has a pretty good view over the room. And that's important when you're there to keep an eye on everyone.

Day 11
It was a little chilly last night. I guess Elfie decided to warm up a little! The girls actually didn't spot Elfie sitting in the dryer for quite some time. In fact, it wasn't until just before school pick up that Mathilde spotted him as she walked into the bathroom. Throughout the rest of the day she kept dragging us all to the washer and dryer to point him out while say "hat hat". That seems to be her new name for Elfie Pokie Nokie.

Day 12
Looks like someone got hold of my phone! Elfie Pokie Nokie was found sitting on my bedside table with my phone full of s-elfies! Elfie selfies! The girls thought this was pretty funny, although Lola was concerned that he had filled up all the space on my phone and I wouldn't be able to take any more photos. With all those selfies he took there wasn't even one duckface. Clearly he has not been hanging around Lola and Mathilde enough. They might have to teach him a thing or two about taking selfies!

Day 13
So, a few nights ago we found Elfie nice and warm in the dryer, and now we found him in the freezer. I guess he misses the cold temperatures of the North Pole. Or maybe he just wanted ice cream.

Day 14
What is going on here? Elfie Pokie Nokie! Have you been drinking? Looks like someone had a little party last night with their friends. And it looks like it got a little out of control. Poor Canadian Mountie Bear! I guess he didn't stand a chance with that Australian Koala and Irish Leprechaun at the party. Those two are pretty heavy drinkers. I don't trust the Leprechaun - he looks like a bad influence. I'm telling Santa.

Oh, Elfie Pokie Nokie what will you get up to this week?

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