This is the story of three little sisters, a lost Snoopy toy and a happy ending thanks to Tile!
Once upon a time three little sisters went out for lunch on a rainy day.
The littlest sister took her favorite plush toy with her: a cuddly soft Snoopy. Snoopy was a very special toy. He had been with the littlest sister since she was six months old when she found him at the Charles M Schulz Museum. It had been love at first sight. She cuddled him in bed every night and during nap times. He traveled everywhere with the littlest sister, from the supermarket, to preschool and even all the way to Denmark on vacation. He even went to hospital with her when she had her tonsils taken out. Snoopy had his tonsils taken out too. He was a very special and much loved cuddly toy indeed.
While the sisters ate their lunch Snoopy sat on the bench beside them listening to their conversations. He was a very good listener, this Snoopy.

When it was time for a bathroom break, Snoopy tagged along too. As the sisters walked through the cafe's courtyard toward the bathrooms they noticed lots of fun chairs to sit on. The rain had stopped falling and the chairs were nice and dry but the courtyard was still empty, so the sisters decided to stop for a little break before heading back inside to finish lunch.
The sisters were so distracted by the fun they were having that when it was time to go back inside they didn't notice that Snoopy didn't follow. Uh oh!
Back in the cafe the sisters finished their lunch and got ready to head back home. It was then they realized that Snoopy was missing. But where did he go? Wasn't he right there with them all along?
The littlest sister was very upset that she had lost her beloved Snoopy, but her mummy knew not to fear. She knew that Snoopy had a secret weapon to save him from being lost. Attached to the underside of one of his ears was a Tile, a small Bluetooth device that would help him find his way back to the littlest sister. Her Mummy opened the Tile app on her phone and clicked on Snoopy's picture. It told her that he was nearby now. The sisters retraced their steps back out to the courtyard.
As they approached the courtyard they heard music. It got louder and louder as they reached the chairs they had been sitting in. It was Snoopy's Tile leading them back to him.
The littlest sister ran to the chairs delighted to see her beloved Snoopy laying there. She gave Snoopy a big, big cuddle and promised him that she would never leave him behind again. But just in case she does, his trusty Tile will help him find his way back into her arms.
Reunited with Snoopy the sisters left the cafe and made their way back home. Such a happy ending to their story thanks to Tile.
Have you ever lost something that's important to you? Whether it be a cherished toy, a favorite jacket, your wallet or even your keys, losing an important item is such a horrible feeling and often it's a huge inconvenience too. Tile, the world's best selling Bluetooth tracker, makes it so much easier to keep track of important items. Simply attach a Tile to your item, download the Tile app to your phone and link them together. Easy! You can connect multiple Tiles to your account and customize each one in the app with a name and even a photo.
Then when you have a situation like, oh say you can't find your keys as you're about to head out to drop the kids off at school (a common occurrence in our home), simply go into the Tile app on your phone, select the Tile linked to your keys and click "Find". The Tile will start playing music and you can just follow the sound. If the situation is reversed (which is also common in our home) and you have your keys with the Tile attached but can't find your phone, simply press the button on the Tile twice and it will ring your phone. This is definitely a time saver for me in the mornings!
If your items are lost a little further afield, the Tile app will show you the location on a map. You can also connect with a community of Tile users where friends and strangers alike come together to find lost items. Click here to learn more. With Tile, together we find.
What would you attach a Tile to? I've got to say that I'm pretty tempted to attach Tiles to the kids shoes because they never seem to be able to find them in the morning! I could probably do with one attached to my glasses too. And my purse. And who am I kidding, I need them on my shoes too. I can never remember where I left them!
Learn more about Tile and how it can make your life easier at
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