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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Environmentally Friendly Products for Earth Day - and Every Day!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I will make a small amount of money if you shop through these links, however it will not cost you any extra. Thanks for your support!

Today is Earth Day!

Mathilde has been learning about helping the environment in her school work today and that's got me thinking about the things we do around our home (and out and about) to help mother nature. Recycling, shopping with reusable bags, using refillable water bottles, cleaning with environmentally friendly products, walking or biking instead of driving, getting our milk delivered in reusable glass bottles direct from the dairy... There are so many easy actions that we can take to do our part to protect the earth.

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite products that we use (or have used in the past) to do our part in helping the environment. As always, click the product name to shop!

Here's a look...

Around the home

There are so many small changes you can make at home to be more environmentally friendly. Planting a water wise garden, turning lights off when you leave a room, hang washing out to dry, turning the water off while you brush teeth, installing water saving shower roses and toilets, recycling and composting, switching over to energy efficient light bulbs, washing laundry with cold water...

Below are some products that we use around the home to lower our carbon footprint. I hang most of our washing out to dry rather than putting it in the dryer, and this handy clothes line holds a surprising large amount of washing. It also folds up quite compact for storage. When it comes to cleaning I like to use products that are available in refill packs to cut down on waste. Reusable paper towels and dishcloths are handy too. Reusable silicone bags are a great alternative to single use plastics when it comes to storing food. When it's not possible to bring a reusable lunch bag home I like to use compostable paper bags to cut down on waste. Speaking of waste, we've cut down on soda bottles by using a soda stream machine at home. It also encourages us to drink more water.

🌳 Leifheit Pegasus Clothes Drying Rack
🌳 If You Care Compostable Food Waste Bags
🌳 Stasher Half Gallon Size Reusable Silicone Bag
🌳 Method Dish Soap Refill
🌳 General Electric LED Light Bulb
🌳 Seedling by Grove Reusable paper Towel
🌳 Lunchskins Compostable/Recyclable Paper Sandwich Bags
🌳 If You Care Reusable Paper Towels
🌳 Seventh Generation All Purpose Cleaning Spray
🌳 Soda Stream Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker

Out and About

Doing your part for the environment can be just as easy when you're out and about as when you're at home. Pack a refillable water bottle so you won't need to purchase bottled water. Ditch the wasteful ziplock bags and pack snacks in washable silicone or fabric snack bags. These are great for dog treats when you're out walking your pup too. Speaking of walking dogs, don't forget the compostable pet waste bags! Much better for the environment than regular plastic bags. The dog snacks I've shared here are environmentally friendly too as they're made from food that would otherwise go to waste. The best way to do your part for Mother Earth when out and about is to ditch the car! If you're going too far to walk think about riding a scooter (it cuts our walk to school in half!) or riding a bike. A cargo bike is a great idea for lugging kids, shopping and other cargo. I had the older version of the bike pictured below and it was a great way to get around town with the kids.

🌳 Baggu Reusable Shopping Bag
🌳 Hydroflask 32oz Wide Mouth Water Bottle
🌳 Hydroflask 12oz Kids' Wide Mouth Water Bottle
🌳 Micro Kickboard Scooter
🌳 Lunchskins Zipper Set
🌳 Shameless Pets Dog Treats
🌳 Stasher Snack Size Reusable Silicone Bag
🌳 Yuba Mundo Lux Cargo Bike
🌳 Earth Rated Compostable Pet Waste Bag

Personal Care Items

Caring for the environment and caring for our bodies can go hand in hand. There are lots of great health and beauty products that are environmentally friendly, from products that cut down on wasteful packaging, products made from organic and sustainable ingredients, and products that replace single use alternatives. When it comes to washing hair, shampoo and conditioner bars are a great choice as they avoid wasteful packaging. You can store them in a soap holder and they're handy for travel too as they take up little space. Washing hair less regularly cuts down on water use, which is a plus for the environment, but it can lead to oily hair. Dry shampoo is a great option here but make sure to avoid an aerosol product. Removing makeup can be quite wasteful if you're using make up remover wipes or even cotton balls. I like to use the Make Up Eraser wash cloth to cut down on waste. I have no idea how it works, but it successfully removes even water proof mascara with just water! Periods can be pretty tough on the environment (and your wallet) when it comes to buying pads and tampons regularly. Period pants and menstrual cups are reusable options that create far less waste, save money in the long run, and can be a healthier choice with less risk of toxic shock syndrome than tampons. If you've got a baby in your family, or one on the way, consider switching to cloths diapers. They're a much better choice for the environment and they're substantially cheaper in the long term than buying disposable diapers. I used BumGenius diapers for both Lola and Mathilde, and they even went on to be used by a friend's baby after Mathilde no longer needed them. If you're not up for the extra washing, there are cloth diaper services available in most cities. They do all the dirty work for you and deliver clean diapers. To be honest though, I really didn't find cloth diapers to be much more work than disposables. Speaking of diapers, ditch the wasteful single use wipes and get yourself some snuggly soft bamboo or cotton wipes. I used the same ones for both Lola and Mathilde, and years later they still get used as face washers. You can simply use them with warm water to clean little bottoms or with a gentle cleansing spray. I used Tubby Todd Baby Fresh Spray for Mathilde. If you're nursing, consider using washable nursing pads instead of disposable. I found Bamboobies to be both comfortable and absorbent.

🌳 Acure Dry Shampoo
🌳 Bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads
🌳 Thinx Period Underwear
🌳 Make Up Eraser
🌳 Sustain Menstrual Cup
🌳 Soapbox Shampoo Bar
🌳 Thinx (BTWN) Period Underwear for Teens & Tweens
🌳 Lush Solid Shampoos
🌳 Lush Solid Conditioner
🌳 Lush Bubble Bath Bar
🌳 Charlie Banana Reusable Organic Cotton Wipes
🌳 Tubby Todd Baby Fresh Spray
🌳 BumGenius Cloth Diaper

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