Disclaimer: I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation was provided.
Summer break is here!
That means two whole months of fun for he kids - and two whole months of me trying to keep up with them and their boundless energy! Seriously, why do kids have SO MUCH energy? If only I could bottle up their energy and take it as a supplement. Well, I can't do that but I have found something that helps my aching mama joints keep up with the kids. It's Ostinol Insta Joint.
As the years have gone by and I've gotten "less young" (we don't need to say old!) I've been noticing more aches and pains in my joints. Motherhood has definitely played a big part in those aches and pains too. Nursing, carrying toddlers, running and playing with kids, constantly bending down to pick up toys and other random things they've left on the floor, sleeping in weird positions thanks to little bed hogs... there's always something to wreak havoc on my joints.
For the longest time I've just put up with the aches and pains. They're just a part of getting older and being a mama, right? Plus self care isn't always at the top of the to do list. I'm sure that many mamas know what I mean. Self care should be a top priority but it's so easy to let it slip by the wayside when we've got little people to care for. I may not have time to rest as much as I'd like, go out for (much needed) massages, or sleep a full eight hours, but I CAN take a daily supplement that helps minimize my joint pain. Every morning when I drink my healthy green smoothie (or let's be realistic - my latte!) I take Ostinol Insta Joint.
Taking Ostinol Insta Joint is a simple step I can take to help improve my joint health and I've definitely been noticing the difference. This week I took the kids to a water park on a scorching hot day and they were keen to play in the wave pool. I was looking forward to the cool water but not my knees hurting as I jumped repeatedly through waves. But you know what, even after a few hours of jumping waves my knees didn't hurt at all!

Ostinol Insta Joint is all natural, safe and effective. Thanks to its key ingredient Cyplexinol (a 100% natural protein complex sourced from USDA Certified organic bovine bone) Ostinol Insta Joint helps the body's ability to grow new cartilage tissue to nourish and lubricate. Cyplexinol belongs to a class of proteins backed by over 50 years of scientific and medical research. In fact, it's the same class of proteins traditionally used by orthopedic surgeons to regrow bone and cartilage tissue post-operatively! Ostinol products are made in the USA and have over ten years of clinical success as a natural supplement to support joint and bone health. Ostinol Insta Joint is gluten free, grain free and made from non-GMO ingredients.
If, like me, you want to take better care of your joint health so you can keep up with the kids this Summer and beyond, head over to
www.ostinol.com. You can save 30% on each bottle of Ostinol Insta Joint (maximum 5 bottles) with my code MM30. This offer is valid through 9/1/21.
I'm looking forward to a Summer of bike rides, water parks, hiking and all sorts of other fun adventures without joint pain!
Disclaimer: While people with severe joint conditions have reported great response with these products, Ostinol is a natural supplement and cannot encourage discussion that would imply treating, preventing or curing any disease.