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Friday 31 March 2023

Junkyard Social Club

Have you ever been to a junkyard playground?

You might not think that those two words go together - I mean, they do sound at odds with each other - but when combined in just the right may they come together to make something truly magical!

Junkyard Social Club in Boulder is one such place where "junkyard" and "playground" come together in the most unexpected way. This amazing space is home to play structures and equipment created from repurposed junk. Can you imagine a playhouse made of wooden crates, recycled timber, old sinks, baseball bats, bike wheels and number plates? Or a stage and climbing structure made of reclaimed timber, skis and baseball bats? Or maybe umbrellas made of Volkswagen Beetle hoods atop a cable reel table? What about a giant giraffe sculpture made of scrap metal and bones? You don't need to imagine any of these fantastical things because they all exist at Junkyard Social Club and you can see them in the photos below!

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Spring Break in Copenhagen

Recently on Instagram I shared our top five Spring Break trips and it occurred to me that I'm still yet to share our number one trip here on the blog.

I mean, it was only almost six years ago so I'm pretty much right on track based on my posting schedule. I'll get caught up one day!

So where did we go for our number one Spring Break trip ever? Copenhagen, Denmark! You probably saw that in the post title, right? 

As a city girl who loves nothing more than exploring urban, historical and cultural sites with plenty of good food, art and shopping thrown in, Copenhagen was a dream destination. In fact, it was a destination that I'd been dreaming of visiting for decades. That said, planning a trip to Denmark wasn't really on my immediate radar until I saw a particular ad pop up in my Facebook feed in January 2017. It was an SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) ad for a kids fly free promotion. I clicked the link not expecting much, but lo and behold this fantastic deal covered all three of our kids (we just had to pay their taxes/fees) and the dates just happened to line up perfectly with our upcoming Spring Break. How could I resist? My only conundrum was which destination to choose for the deal: Copenhagen, Oslo or Stockholm. All three cities have been on my bucket list since I was a kid (growing up with a Finnish best friend meant that I was a little obsessed with Scandinavia from a young age) so it was a tough choice, but ultimately I decided that Copenhagen would be it. 

And what an amazing destination it turned out to be!

I mean, just look at the photos below. Such a beautiful city.

Nyhavn in Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Bike riding in Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark
The Round Tower in Copenhagen, Denmark

Don't these pictures just make you want to visit Copenhagen? It really does feel like a fairytale come to life - with a good dose of Scandinavian mid century modern design thrown in! 

Read on to learn about my favorite things to so, see and eat in Copenhagen.

As with most of my travel posts, this is a long one so grab yourself a cup of tea and make yourself comfy! 

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